Monday, February 25, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Yay! It's Menu Plan Monday again! Let's see if I can get this straight this time :) If you see some holdovers from last week, that's nothing new...hubby and I sometimes get on different eating schedules, so instead of cooking dinner, we "fend" for ourselves...leftovers, sandwiches, etc. Plus, I forgot that my parents were taking us out to eat on Wednesday!

Sunday lunch: Marlboro Man chicken sandwiches
Sunday dinner: Orange Blossom Chicken and mashed potatoes
Monday: Lasagna, salad, and toast
Tuesdsay: Orange Glazed Chicken and green beans (we prefer the chicken to the pork chops!)
Thursday: Baked Chimichangas and mexican rice
Friday: Hamburgers and chips
Saturday lunch: Grilled ham and cheese and taco soup (I'll post my taco soup recipe tomorrow!)
Saturday dinner: Pork Chops and macaroni

Most people have a "Clean out the Refridgerator Night," but since I teach, most of our leftovers go to school for me the next day. I neither have the a) time or b) money to go out to eat frequently! I'll be posting about that later, and my taco soup recipe will be for Kitchen Tip Tuesday over at Tammy's Recipes!


Lora @ my blessed life said...

Welcome to MPM! Your menus look great--I love chimachangas, too! I've never tried them baked, I'll have to do that sometime.

Julie said...

I love some of your menu choices, everything sounds delicious.